Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Cage-inspired blog

I think Mike will like this. Mike? Mike? Pay attention, Mike.

I have been sampling a few blogs in order to expand my geographic knowledge of the blogosphere. Yesterday, I found "The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy," which the blog owner describes thus:

Found Photo Stories: Life and Art Linked by Photographs
A study in creativity, this site features one-minute short stories inspired by found photos, an idea based on the Indeterminacy recordings by John Cage, pairing one-minute short stories with random sounds.
All stories © 2004-2007

So, the idea is this: the blog owner posts a photo he has found. He encourages blog readers to write one-minute (very short) stories about the photo. Then soon after, he posts his own.

It's very organic. It's "random" in the new-slang sense of the word. It's fun. It's communal creativity.

I tried my hand at it for the June 27, 2007 photo. I like some of the other entries, and found some pointless. But it was fun to contribute.

I'm happy to know that I followed up the idea I posted in my entry titled "Daily."

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