Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Whatever it's called, it's good.

I'm looking for a word.

Maybe you can help me find it.

Maybe as I write this, the word will come to me.

I've been having a very stressful time at work lately. When things get overwhelming, I need to find ways to detach, ground myself in the truly important things, and relax.

Over the past couple of days, you can see I've used favorite TV shows, favorite games, and even archiving favorite blog entries. Those helped. In fact, blogging is helping again. Right now.

But more often than any of those, there is one thing to which I return more often than any other. Now, if I were the very model of a modern Evangelical (sing it; it works) I'd say that thing is faith or prayer or something. Well those have helped. But, really, the thing I return to is my marriage.

Today, stress building again, I took a bit of time to find a great place where Sherry and I can spend a couple of nights away from here, celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in June. I talked to her. I got her opinions. I made the reservations. I looked forward to something. I relaxed. I smiled.

So, what is the word for that? What word describes a place or a person or a relationship to which you can always go for relief, for setting priorities, for calm, for love?


Maybe the word is "marriage."

It is for me, I guess.

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