Title: Skin Game
Author: Jim Butcher
Would you be surprised if I told you I didn't like a "Dresden Files" novel?
Well, you should be! Because it ain't happening! If someone tells you that, they are pulling your leg. It just hasn't happened. And it didn't with Skin Game, Jim Butcher's latest.
In fact, just the opposite.
Listen, have you ever been reading a novel and suddenly you find yourself wanting to cheer? I mean, really, opening up your mouth, pumping your first, and yelling "YES!"
I happened to me in Skin Game.
Four times!
I know a friend who, well, let me quote him "finds Dresden's constant self-flagellation a little tiring."
Jon, I know what you mean. I really do. But as I said in my comment back, every hero needs to have a flaw or two, and Harry Dresden beats himself up over bad things that happen. I can assure you, he grows as the novels progress, but I also can tell you he slips back into the pattern sometimes.
And in this novel? Man! Well, there's this scene between Harry and an old friend. And his friends, be assured, have noticed the same thing. And this particular friend is just not going to let Harry get away with it. Anyway, I hope I haven't already said too much. Cheer number one is not related to magic, or action -- it's related to friendship and personal growth and Butcher being aware of how readers might react to the flaws which make Harry who he is. It's priceless.
Anyway, like every Dresden novel, bad things will happen unless Harry faces an impossible situation and finds a way out of it. What makes this novel a particularly interesting episode is that it's essentially a "caper" in which Harry has to become part of a team to pull off a heist. That's not even close to the best part of the impossible mission, but I will not spoil this for you.
I had to buy this book on my Nook so I could carry it easily on my extensive travels this fall. I'm certainly glad I did. But despite the fact that I have borrowed every book in the series to this point, and that I own an electronic copy of this installment, I am soon going to have to buy (or receive as gifts) every Dresden Files novel -- so that I can loan them out. Really. These are good. They are fast reads, and they have a life of their own. I can't wait for the next one.
But I have to!
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