Thursday, January 3, 2013

Table Top - Alhambra

By now we all know I love games.  This past year, one of the best additions to my gaming life is the web series "Table Top" on the Geek and Sundry YouTube channel.  This series is hosted by Wil Wheaton, and in 30 minutes shows a group of enjoyable people having a good time learning to play a table top game.

Some of they games they have featured are already in my game library (Settlers of Catan, for example) but others are new to me.  This is how I found out about Small World, for example.

The show has been on hiatus for a while, but it just released a new episode today, and the featured game is something I had never heard of - Alhambra.  Watching these four people play not only teaches the game, but also gives hints as to potential strategies and clearly shows how much fun friends can have.

I think this is another "buy."

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