Monday, December 3, 2012

Math Humor

This particular bit of humor was shared by George Takei, but certainly not originated by him.  Nevertheless, I saw it because I follow him on Facebook.  And I laughed.  Sure, it was probably more appropriate right after Thanksgiving, but I didn't want to use this on a Favorite Foto Friday.  But it fits well into the string of Facebook-related posts.


Buck said...

Found you from Twitter - Like these very much! I have a semi-funny story about the first term - the imaginary number. I took electricity courses in high school, and we always referred to the imaginary part of complex impedances as 'J'. Calculations using J were done via J-operators. When I took high school calculus and the teacher introduced imaginary numbers as i, my hand shot up in the air and I noted that this looked suspiciously akin to J-operators. He sighed and with the patience of one who gets to hear the same thing every year noted that I must be an electricity student. To this day, I can't help but think of imaginary numbers as being J.

All I want to know now is whether J shared her pie with you! :-)

Steve Will said...

Ah, you electricity student you!

I don't know if J's pie was as good as the pie I ate, but if she shares it with me, I'll give it a try.