Thursday, November 29, 2012

Written By A Kid - Web Series

This year, Felicia Day, Kim Evey, Wil Wheaton (and probably more cool web people) started a channel on YouTube with a slate of web series.  One of them is "Written By A Kid."  Anyone who has had young children knows how amazingly creative they can be.  Kids think up stories almost without trying, and the stories are imaginative and full of interesting plots, characters and items which come from imaginary places as often as from real life.

"Written By A Kid" allows kids to tell their stories, and then creative TV-Movie people put them on screen.  It's a great concept.  The way they can afford to do these is for people to "Like" them on YouTube, and even better to "Subscribe" to the channel.  Their financiers pay based on the number of people who do those things.

The very first one got me hooked, and I have enjoyed every one of them since.  Here's the first:

Scary Smash

Yes, this is another in my series of things I put on Facebook. Ssdly, I can't find it on Facebook anymore. See? Facebook does not Always have Everything you posted in the past. That may be a good thing for people who posted embarrassing photos, but really, what are the chances that THOSE will be the things Facebook leaves off your timeline?

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