Thursday, November 8, 2012

When it's 5:45 AM in Minnesota

... it's 8:45 PM in Japan.

Just thought you ought to know.

That's right, I am writing this 15 hours in your future.

And tomorrow -- oh it's just so cool -- my plane will take off from Tokyo at 3:00 PM on Friday, November 9, and I will land in Minneapolis/St. Paul at 11:00 AM Friday November 9, a full four hours before I took off.

Yes, that's right.  You got it.  Tomorrow, I will travel back in time!

But don't ask me who won the World Series.  It wouldn't be ethical for me to tell you.


Oh, what the heck -- it was the Giants.  The Giants won the Series.

And President Obama won the election.

Nope.  No spoiler warnings.  That's what being in the future does to you, folks.  Makes you an unrepentant spoiler.

Deal with it.

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