Monday, November 26, 2012

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 91

Leah and I had a marathon of the X-Men movies.

The Illusionist
Mysterious.  Loved the main character.  Jessica Biel can act!  Sepia visuals were stunning, and set just the right atmosphere.
OK, Batman was darker, and more stylized.  But I can't say it was better.  Certainly this was more true to the characters.  It whets my appetite for more.  Oh, and I was wrong: Hugh Jackman and Wolverine were the center of the movie for good reason.
X-Men 2: X-Men United (aka X2)
What a fun, intense story!  We get Nightcrawler!  We give Phoenix a reason to arise.  We get some of Logan’s mysterious past, but not all of it.  And we see just how dangerous mutants can really be.  Loved it.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Excellent movie for traditional comic book story and action.  Characters sometimes acted out-of-character, though.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Very fun, and since I didn’t know most of the story ahead of time, I got to be surprised.  “The best X-Men movie?”  Not quite.  But very good.
X-Men: First Class
A worthy entry in the genre. I liked the Xavier/Lehnsherr relationship.  Kevin Bacon made a good villain.  Mystique as a teenager – loved it.  Consistency with the comics must be sacrificed.  A couple of cameos made me smile – even laugh! 
Rating: Remember this – I am “easy” when it comes to the X-Men.  Always will be.
Amazing Spiderman
Hey, this is pretty good.  I know Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are NOT teenagers, but in a couple of scenes they could be.  Garfield sold the “I am a teenager with super powers” early Spidey.  I’m forgiving some of the plot holes because I liked the ending.  And I’ve upgraded the rating after a re-viewing because the two leads are so much better than their predecessors.  If only they could have had the Green Goblin story from Spiderman.

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