Friday, July 27, 2012

Where is that *expletive* Video?

A while back, (by which I mean, I can't remember when and it's driving me *expletive* crazy) I saw a video (which is undoubtedly on YouTube, because where else would it be) in which a very clever woman with a guitar demonstrated how musical consonance (notes which sound good together) and dissonance (notes which remind one of fingernails on chalkboards [which people younger than 40 don't seem to remember so if you're that young, just think of the sound your mom made when you'd leave your dirty dishes sitting in your bedroom for a few weeks with the remainders of your kung pao chicken, fried rice and peanut butter getting both moldy and encrusted before you thoughtfully put it on the counter next to, but not in, the dishwasher, very close to, but not in, the sink]) are actually related to how the vibrations which make up the notes are mathematically related to one another. 

That alone was cool, but then she went on to demonstrate that these mathematical chords are used in song after song after song. (It was very clever.  [And she was kinda pretty. "Not that we care about such things in this day and age."] )  She didn't simply list the songs, she performed enough of each to get the point across that all of these songs used the same chords.

By this point in my blog, I hope one of my readers remembers the same video and made it a bookmark/favorite or something. (Which clearly I did not do. [As will become apparent, soon., if it wasn't already, by reading the title of this post.] )

So, I went looking for the video, because I wanted to see it again. (And why else would I go looking for it?  That's really a pointless subclause, right there. [And I think I can be a writer?] )

Could I find it?  (You guessed it.)

No (*expletive*) way!  (FYI - I don't actually use expletives, [of the typical vulgar or rude variety] but conceptually I understand that one belongs here..)

But, in my search, I did find this video, which is quite cool, and is similar (but without the math [though the band performing it is called "The Axis of Awesome," so that makes up for the mathlessness a bit.] )

So, yeah.  Does anyone have the video I was really looking for?  (I shared it on this blog, or on Twitter, or on Facebook, but I can't remember where or when. So, well .... [*expletive*] )

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