Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 86

We've seen a few new movies lately, but mostly I've seen movies I took with us to Europe.  And since I picked them, I liked them.  So, of the new ones, Tangled is the best.

Fiddler on the Roof
Many of us non-Jews in my generation learned about Judaism here first.  Most of the music is excellent.  The story certainly is.  Also, the movie Sherry and I saw on our first date.
Big Miracle
Tells the story of the three whales trapped in the Alaskan ice in 1988.  I enjoyed it – but mostly to tell me what was going on when I was not paying attention. Not great filmmaking, but interesting storytelling and mostly believable characters – good, since it’s based on real people.
I am not the target market for this.  I laughed some, for sure.  And Melissa McCarthy always gives a good performance.  Still, hardly recommendable.
Hey, a really fun movie, with some good songs.  The story worked well, and I really enjoyed the leads (including the villain.)
Iron Man
What fun!  I believed Stark could make it, and make it fly.  Downey had just the right confidence.  Paltrow as Pepper was excellent.  Howard’s line as Rhodes – “Next time” – perfect!  The updated origin was very close to the original, and worked.  And comic relief!  Way to go. 
Brilliant!  Now that animation can do this, the possibilities for storytelling grow exponentially.  Story: very good; Imagination: Off the Scale! Loved it!
Complex, mystifying, excellent.  I expect I will see it several more times.  Will I change my mind about the end?  Depends on how much I think Nolan cares about Point of View…

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