Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Ask You: Echoes from the Past

Many of you might never have noticed, but shortly after I created this blog, I created a companion blog called "Echoes of Snippets."  The intent of the companion blog is to capture the posts from this blog which deserve to be reprinted -- which are worthy of echoing.

I recently noticed that I have not added a new "Echo" for more than a year.  So now, I am considering my options.  And I thought I'd ask for your help.

What do you think? 

Do any of you remember reading anything on "Snippets and Wisps" in the past couple of years which struck you as worth a second read?

I will make one selection, so you don't need to suggest it - the entry for Maya will definitely be in Echoes. 

I welcome any suggestions, nominations or thoughts.


MarisaSarita said...

I like reading the one you wrote posted on Monday June, 23, entitled, "Sweeping along the river." I'm glad Adam and I have been able to keep our raft afloat through the rapids.

Steve Will said...

Marisa, excellent selection. And very appropriate. Love you so much!