Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Avengers Assemble!

In the same way some people waited for Harry Potter movies, and some people waited for The Hunger Games, I have been waiting for an Avengers movie.

My.  Whole.  Life. [1]

Avengers, Assemble!

[1] The statement, of course, is hyperbole - exaggeration for effect. The Avengers debuted in mid-1963, a full two years after I made my debut. And I didn't buy my first issue until some time later. So clearly, there were parts of my life when I did not long desperately for this team of heroes to find their way to the silver screen. Still, for much of my memory, I have wanted three pieces of fiction to be made into good movies: Tolkein, X-Men and The Avengers. We have two of three. This promises to complete the trifecta.[2] I'd add Ender's Game to the list, but that's probably asking too much.  Still, now that The Hunger Games has well, "crossed a certain threshold" let's say, there is a slightly better chance.

[2][Please, oh please, let this movie be good.]

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