Monday, February 6, 2012

Matthew Broderick's Side-By-Side Day Off

I am so glad someone actually did this side-by-side comparison.

It was my favorite Super Bowl commercial. Not the most amazing, or funniest, but it was the best. Here is the link to the "full" version.


Michael Hacker said...

It was a remarkable coup for Broderick, returning to his best loved character, people all over the world get to love him all over again. This will boost his career big time, I imagine.

Michael Hacker said...

Of course, I must rain on his parade; people will love him as long as they don't remember he killed someone in Ireland.

Steve Will said...

Mike, I never heard about this when it happened, so I googled and followed a couple of links.

I see nothing to indicate this was anything other than a terrible accident. He was the at-fault driver in a car crash that resulted in fatalities. He could have died in that crash, too. Unfair, perhaps, but I don't begrudge him a professional life.

Do you know differently?

Michael Hacker said...

No. You're right. I need to be more compassionate. It could have happened to anyone. I've had a car accident myself...