Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Interlude – Distraction of the Name

Why was he named Ferris?  Did you ever wonder that?  I did;  I bet you did.  Sorry to break into the story like this, but it occurred to me, and the thought wouldn’t leave me alone, which is a strange feeling, but it happens sometimes.  It happens more often lately, which  is why I really need to finish this, but I’ve learned that it’s best to just get the thought out, let it run its course, and then I can get back to what I was doing.  So, I’ll ask again.

Why was he named Ferris?  You know it had a purpose.  Writers think about these things.  I mean, it’s hard to be as clear cut as our high school English teacher, Mrs. H, made it seem when she taught me that, of course, Jim Casy was the Christ figure in The Grapes of Wrath, and it’s clear because his initials are “J.C.” as in Jesus Christ.  But I’m getting off track here.  I was talking about Ferris.  You know who I’m talking about, right?  Ferris Buehler, from “Ferris Buehler’s Day Off,” which is a funnier movie the third time you watch it than it was the first time, which is strange I think, but it’s true.  Anyway, rambling again, so back to the point.  The guy who wrote that movie named him Ferris.  Why?  Well, I never had to write an English paper about it, which is too bad because I think that paper would be a lot more fun to read and to write than the one about The Grapes of Wrath, because, really, as soon as a teenage boy is done reading The Grapes of Wrath all he can think about is that last scene, so how is he supposed to write about the whole book?  Anyway, like I was saying, if I had to write a paper about “Ferris Buehler’s Day Off” I’d talk about his name.  Honestly, have you ever known a guy named Ferris?  Of course not.  Well, if you have, it still doesn’t disprove my point, if I ever get to it, because even if you do, you have to admit that it’s an unusual name, so clearly the writer put some thought into the choice.  So what did he mean?  Clearly something,  And I think I know what it is, and if I ever had to write that paper, I’d tell you.

But the real point is: I am writing this.  And my name is Jacob.  Not because I decided it should be.  It just is. 

It's true I have thought maybe I would change it, if I were really writing this as a story to get published or something.  But I’m not.  I’m writing it to you, and I am pretty sure you’d be confused if you started reading this thing and I had some other name.  I mean, maybe not.  But I would be.  Confused, that is.  If I read it and the name were not my name.

OK, this is strange, why did I just write all that?  You must not be used to coffee.  I wonder why?  I know was.

Anyway, let’s get back to this.  I don’t know how much longer I have.  And I need you to read what I need to write.


{ One or two pieces of the story occur between the last interlude and this one. The Coffee Shop for sure.}

[©Steve Will, 2012] 

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