Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why I Won't Buy Appliances from Sears Ever Again

Normally, I write positive blogs.

So, Sears, please take this as some constructive criticism.

Over the years, we've had to call in for service many times on things we bought at Sears.  Over the years, the people handling the calls have gotten more competent and more professional and more pleasant.  Good for you.

But.  But there is one thing which has remained a constant inadequacy in your service for years.  I illustrate with my most recent example.

When I scheduled a service call for my treadmill, it went something like this:

The pleasant lady thanked me for calling Sears and tried to get me to accept a "free consultation" so they could try to sell me new flooring, or doors, or a roof or whatever.  I said "No, thank you, that will never happen."

"Why?" she asked.

"Let's schedule my appointment for the treadmill repair.  Then we can discuss the 'consultation.'"

"OK, sir, how about next Tuesday?" she offered.  Wow, just two working days from when I called.  Promising, but I knew what was coming.

"No, Tuesday doesn't work for me.  How about Friday?" I said.

"Yes, sir, we can have a repair person out on Friday," she said.

"And when can they be here?" I asked, fully knowing the reply.

"Between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM," was her answer.

"I have to be home in the afternoon for another reason.  Can we make it sometime after 1:00 but before 5:00?"

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that." She sounded sincerely sorry.

"And that, ma'am, is exactly why I will never accept a 'consultation' from your employer, or buy something from them that might ever need repair again.  If your business cannot be more considerate of my time than to expect me to be home on a work day for nine straight hours, then I will shop at an establishment which can run its business more efficiently.  But thanks for the offer."

I like my treadmill.  But when I replace it, I won't buy the replacement from Sears.  8:00 - 5:00?  Really?

I don't ever say this, but I will say it now. 


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