Friday, December 2, 2011

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 79

Captain America
Congratulations!  They made a Captain America without the camp, the jingoism, the schmaltz that could have killed it.  Good story, good action, and leads well into The Avengers. (I cannot wait!)
[Originally reviewed in Edition 75.  Now owned on Blu-Ray & DVD.]
Rocky Horror Picture Show

So strange. So campy. Tim Curry throws himself into the role of Dr. Frank-N-Furter so well that it defines him. Do I rate it as a stand-alone film, or as a cult classic?
Lost Boys
Who liked this? Seriously.  I had hoped to be a little spooked. It was melodramatic and stupid, while trying to be, what? Scary? Goonies-esque? A love story? Nothing worked. It’s possible the makeup was good for 1987, but I doubt it. 
Pirates of the Caribbean 4
Fun, but not nearly as well told as the original, and missing a real love story.
[Bumped up the rating on second viewing.]

Iron Man 2
A blast!  Action fun!  Whiplash was an excellent villain.  Sam Rockwell plays another sleazy character. Are there too many characters? Nah.  But let’s all hope Black Widow can take a bigger part in the ultimate Avengers movie that must come.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1
Very faithful in theme to the first part of the book.  The isolation forced upon, and felt by, the three main characters is well represented.  Definitely the middle part of a three-part story begun in The Half-Blood Prince.  I can’t imagine ever watching this without watching Part 2 quite soon afterward, if we have the choice.  And when seen in that context, I might raise its rating.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
A spectacular, action-packed, moving end to a brilliant series.  Bravo!
X-Men: First Class
A worthy entry in the genre. I liked the Xavier/Lehnsherr relationship.  Kevin Bacon made a good villain.  Mystique as a teenager – loved it.  Consistency with the comics must be sacrificed.  A couple of cameos made me smile – even laugh! 
Rating: Remember this – I am “easy” when it comes to the X-Men.  Always will be.
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
What can I say.  The mood is perfect.  The story hangs together.  The characterizations are charming and thrilling.  The effects enhance and draw you in, rather than amaze or distract.  Fantastic.

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