Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - The Year Of

Happy New Year 2012, everyone.  Here is the list of what happened in 2011, compiled throughout the year. 
  •  9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
  • US Representative Gabrielle Giffords shot in the head, and survived.
  • I traveled to Prague and Milan (and Orlando [twice] and Miami and New York and Pittsburgh and DC and Philadephia and Toronto and Wisconsin and the Twin Cities) for work.
  • As a result of more travel than ever before, I got Delta Silver Elite Status - and my first First Class upgrade.
  • Minnesota government shutdown.
  • Angry Birds
  • Final Harry Potter movie released.
  • Family vacationed in California.
  • Mike moved to LA. (Yes, he really did.  We saw him there.)
  • Norway terrorist set off a bomb and killed young adults at a political camp
  • US Government went into default - almost - rather than cooperate on making meaningful changes to reduce the deficit.
  • 37th Street was torn up for repairs late spring through summer.
  • Grandpa Will retired. (Congratulations, Dad!)
  • Hurricane Irene hit the East Coast, causing New York City to evacuate some, shut down elevators and mass transit.  Vermont was basically all flooded.
  • Earthquake hit the East Coast.
  • Leah missed both Hurricane and Earthquake by being in Minnesota for two weeks.
  • Sarah and Troy moved to the Twin Cities (Fridley.)
  • Sherry completed semesters 2 and 3 of Apparel Design program.  
  • Sherry worked at Ginny's Fine Fabrics and Support Group.
  • Angry Birds were everywhere.
  • Watson competed on "Jeopardy!"
  • Adam and Marisa announced grandchild #1 would be born in July 2012
  • Name hilariously considered is Ca$h (but I can't do it justice in normal characters; it must be accompanied by the proper hand and head motions. And the double-veritcal-bar dollar sign.)
  • A new phase in Lucas' life began.
  • Leah acted in "Trojan Women" (and "Three Sisters")
  • Sherry and I went to NYC -- stayed with Ruth -- to attend "Trojan Women"
  • I shot birdie 4 on Willow Creek 11.  [Very long drive over the creek, almost cutting the corner; crushed a 3-wood to the fringe; long putt a bit past the hole; a decent 3-footer for four] 
Something (maybe many somethings) missed this list.  It interesting to me, for the future, to see what I thought was important over the course of the year, to add to this list.

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