Monday, November 28, 2011

Magic Season Approaches

Over Thanksgiving, I got to play thirteen games of Magic: the Gathering (hereafter known simply as "Magic.")  Thirteen!

The holiday season is when I start to get a chance to play again.  This is especially true now that Troy plays Magic.  We played on Black Friday while the women went out shopping.  We played one-on-one, and then Adam and Lucas joined us for a few games.

Magic is a game in which each player uses a deck of cards, specifically designed for the game.  Most people construct the decks they use in the games from the cards they have acquired over time.  I've been playing Magic for over 17 years. This means, over the years, I have acquired thousands and thousands of cards, and I have built many, many decks.  And once they are built, I very rarely take them apart. Because I am getting ready to play again, and because I would prefer to play newer decks, and because it's just so darn much fun to design and build decks, I have taken over one of the rooms downstairs for a few days, and I am building again.

So, just to emphasize that I am ready for a game of Magic any time, I decided to take a couple of photos.  Here are all of the decks I had built at the time.  (I am actually in the process of tearing down a few, which, as I said, is unusual for me.)

Magic Decks

And here is a shot of me with one of the decks -- named "Mike's Favorite" -- hoping that I will get to play many games in the next month or two.

Ready for Magic

[P.S. Yes, I know it's a bit sad to be a Vikings fan this year.  I am glad I have Magic to take my mind off their losing ways.]

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