Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Six months of nothing?

Not that I am saying my blog should be one of Blogger's Blogs of Note, but honestly, if a particular blog has not been updated since January 4, why is it a Blog of Note on July 6?

That's six months of NOT blogging.

I check out the Blogs of Note occasionally, to see if I can find other cool blogs.  I've found several that way.

But if I'm going to check out a Blog of Note, I want to know that the blogger responsible for it is at least actively blogging!

Later, they can fizzle out, or leave for greener pastures, or whatever.  But on the day they are named to the Blogs of Note list, they need to be active so they can post something like

"OMG! I just saw the traffic to my blog spike so high, I thought I was being spammed!

But I'm today's new blog in the Blogs of Note.

I'd like to thank the Academy ..."

OK, that's out of my system.  You can all go back to what you were doing. 

Move along.

There's nothing to see here.


I mean it.

Still here?


You think by sticking around I'll give you something, don't you?

Well, aren't you persistent?

OK, then how about this?

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