Monday, May 2, 2011

"All the sudden" I'm hearing this

OK, so I know I learned in one of my recent Great Courses that language evolves.  It changes.  But can it change this rapidly?

For my entire life, I have known the idiom "all of a sudden."  It means "suddenly" but with a definite contextually meaning of "unexpectedly."  You know this, I know this, everyone who speaks English probably knows this.

And yet, in the past two weeks, I have heard person after person say "all the sudden."  Not "all of the sudden" which I have always considered a rare, slightly "incorrect" variant.  But "all the sudden."

I don't get it.  I mean, sure, if you break it down into its component pieces "all of a sudden" doesn't really parse in current English.  But it's an idiom.  Idioms often don't parse.

What I find particularly strange is that I feel as if I had never heard "all the sudden" before two weeks ago, and now, I am hearing person after person say it. 

All of a sudden, it's "all the sudden."

It's ironic, is what it is.

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