Tuesday afternoon, my mouth started hurting. This did not seem all that strange to me, because my throat was hurting, too. I figured I was getting a flu.
By Wednesday afternoon, the throat pain was subsiding, but the pain in my mouth was increasing. It throbbed. It felt like someone was pouring lava through my jaw, in hot pulses. I called a dentist. My appointment? Thursday at 2:00 PM.
I did not really sleep Wednesday night. I moaned. I took ibuprofen. I rolled, tossed, turned. I moaned again.
By the time I made it to the appointment, I was sure I had an acid-based lifeform burrowing through my teeth and jaws. But no. It is "just" an abscess.
I was prescribed Vicodin for the pain, and anti-biotics to attack the infection. I went home & moaned some more. I tried the Vicodin. Seemingly no effect. But with a little help from some more ibuprofen, and (I think) the switch from a cold compress to a warm one, I got a couple of hours of sleep.
Now, thanks to the antibiotics, my pain has subsided. My mouth feels strange, but I have some hope that I might actually sleep tonight. And if I can do that, then I will have some hope that a flight from MSP to Amsterdam (AMS) on the way to Milan (MXP) will be endurable.
And, yes, I'm getting old if I think writing a blog entry about aches & pains is interesting.
But really, I am just thankful that we have enough medical knowledge that my painful condition can be handled so quickly.
I was definitely not meant to live in the 19th century. Or before. Pain = Not For Me.
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