Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Springing into Travel

Already this year, I have traveled to Chicago and Wisconsin for work.  Next week, I travel to Prague (I hear good things -- I hope I get to see some of it) and shortly after that, I travel to Orlando, then Minneapolis (I know, not much of a trip, but I don't even get to go home between the two), then a couple weeks and I'm off to Milan.  And just a couple of weeks after I return from that, we head to California.

Something about traveling causes stress long before I actually hit the road.  And when the number of planned trips increases, the preparatory stress increases exponentially.  I think it's because each trip generates a long mental list in my head (things to do before I go, reservations which must be made, things to take, etc.) and having multiple lists generates a meta-list -- check the "Prague list," then check the "Orlando list," then ... oh wait, the "Orlando list" needs to have some of the "Minneapolis list" on it!

I am sorely tempted to try my new "vacation blog" plan.  What's that, you ask?

The charter for Snippets & Wisps contains the phrase "I post every weekday when I'm not on vacation" but I have noticed that readership drops when I go on vacation (makes sense) but doesn't pick up again for a while after (also makes sense, but it wasn't obvious to me when I made the charter.  Live and learn.)  

Some of my favorite blogs (or "columns" to use the old print term, for those blogs which really started out as on-line versions of print media) don't go silent when the authors are on vacation.  Instead, they "re-print" entries from the past.

"Hey," I thought recently, "I could do the same thing.  After all, I have several years worth of blog material, but many people have only been reading me since I started publishing to Facebook.  Maybe some old posts would be worth re-printing ... errrr ... re-posting."

So, I had begun poking around my old stuff to see what I might re-run.  On vacation.  And now....

Instead of vacation, I am thinking about using it to fill in when I will be traveling.  Why?  Traveling takes so much time!  Connection to the internet can be so unpredictable while on the road.  And, very importantly, I sometimes have absolutely nothing in my travel days except work, and since I don't blog about work (here) there is often nothing to say.

This is all a preface to this final warning, dear readers.  You might feel a bit of deja vu soon.  If you visit Snippets & Wisps and you think you've read something before, you just might be right.

Or else I'm getting repetitive.

And saying something again.

More than once.


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