Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Movie Micro-Reviews - Edition 67

Adam wants what we all want when we’re nearing 30, but Adam is not quite like the rest of us.  Beth has an apparently pretty good life, and hasn’t met someone like Adam.  This is not a typical romance, or drama.  Both primary roles are wonderfully performed.  Watch it.
Law Abiding Citizen
Disturbing.  It had a better explanation for its violence than some, but its violence was disturbing.  I won’t recommend it unless you really like vengeance & violence.
Nines (The)
Bravo! An original concept. Seriously, when was the last time you saw one? Oh, it doesn’t start that way, but make it through the first 20 minutes and you’ll start to see what I mean.
The Matrix: Revolutions
Exciting, action-packed conclusion.  The characters’ actions made sense.
Galaxy Quest
See, this movie is funny on so many levels.  It’s not for everyone, but it pokes fun at Star Trek while at the same time being like Star Trek.  I laugh and laugh.
The Princess Bride
“He’s only mostly dead.”  “As you wish.” “Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.” “We are men of action, lies do not become us.”  “Have fun storming the castle.”  “It’s possible, Pig.  I might be bluffing.”  What a wonderful movie!

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