Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday - Wearing the Kyrie

It has been two years since I wrote an Ash Wednesday blog.

Though my faith life has changed quite a bit since then, as I re-read that entry, I can see I struggle with the same things, and so Lent will provide me an opportunity to focus, once again, on the messages I need to hear.

Tonight as the ashes are applied, I will once again hear the words "From dust you have come, and to dust you shall return."  Humans have had to face this reality for all time.  How do we deal with that certainty?  How will I?

Once more I will try to remove the blinders of all I know, to allow myself to discern what I still have yet to learn, and to be faced with the knowledge that while I live, I can never know completely.  Once more, I will hang the "Alleluia" carefully in the closet, knowing I can wear it again Easter morning.  Once more I will drape myself in the Kyrie for 40 days, and try to truly appreciate the meaning of "Mercy."

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