Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taking time to appreciate nature

In the spirit of trying to enjoy the little things in life, to appreciate the beauty of nature, to live in the moment, I decided to stay outside for a while after I finished snowblowing and shoveling yesterday. I had on my noise-canceling headphones, as I usually do when using the snowblower. I was listening to a mix, and it wasn't done yet, so I figured I'd just put myself down in a snowbank (there are plenty to choose from) and look up at the trees and the sky for a couple more songs.

Plop, into the snowbank, forming a nice, comfortable indentation. I leaned back, looked up, and was warm and comfortable (because in Minnesota, we have plenty of cold-weather gear. If we want to be warm, we can be warm) despite the fact that the temperature was 13 F and the wind was blowing at about 20 MPH.

I was rewarded with a tranquil view and some great music.

"Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO. Wonderful.
"New York, New York" by Sinatra. Ahhh.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. Glorious.

That's enough, I figured. It was time to go inside and get dinner ready, so I got up.

And discovered my noise-canceling headphones had broken. The left earpiece was only hanging by the wire.


I tried to enjoy this weather. I really did.

I just did it wrong.

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