Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Just a Grill Who Cain't See Snow

The Blizzard of 2010 was impressive. There was snow on Friday, but the full force hit on Saturday. Sherry was home for the weekend, and needed to spend time studying, so I told her I would take care of meals. Friday night, I grilled steaks. Yes, grilled. We grill all year 'round.

Then, Saturday, I grilled again -- chicken this time. And each time, before I grilled, I had to clear a couple of paths through the snow to the grill.

The first picture here was taken Sunday morning, after the snow had finished falling, but before I cleared the paths again.
Blizzard 2010 - Grill cleared then dumped on

The second shows you what it looked like once I had cleared it again.
Blizzard 2010 - Cleared Grill

Why bother clearing a path? Because I am pretty likely to use that grill again this week. After all, the best food I make is grilled. We can't let little things like 15-20 inches of snow and below-zero temperatures stop good food, can we?

Still, imagine how high the snow would be on that grill if I hadn't used it this weekend...

[And if you don't know where the title of this blog comes from, don't worry. It's punny. From "Oklahoma!" the musical.]

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