Monday, December 6, 2010

An Advent Weekend

christmas cookiesWhat a weekend! It was very "Advent."

Friday night we attended a party and got to eat lots of yummy goodies and have nice conversation. [Thanks, Dave & Jolene.] OK, then Sherry had to go back home to study, but that's also part of Advent, this year.

Winter SceneryThen we drove through the first big snow of the year to get home. Safely tucked away in our house, we just watched the inches pile up. In the morning, I had the chance to get out my snowblower and clear the driveway of just under a foot of beautiful, white fluffy snow. The first big snow of the year is always special. I hope the weather stays cold and we just keep this around through Christmas!

Later Saturday Mom & Dad came up, bearing half-baked Mabe's pizzas. This is quite a treat! The boys and Marisa came over for dinner, and we had fun talking about plans for California, and fantasy football, and Sherry's experiences at school, and D&D [OK, Sherry, Mom & Dad didn't talk much about D&D.]

Then, we all went to "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" at the Rochester Civic Theater. Sherry and I attend most Civic Theater shows, but we had a larger group because Lee was a member of the chorus.

We had never seen a stage production of White Christmas. It was really good! [Go see it, if you live in/near Rochester and can get a ticket.] The chorus is on stage quite a bit, which was really fun. The leads were quite good. We had a great time.

Then, after enjoying a Vikings game [38-14 win -- it was fun to see] I came home and set up the Christmas tree while listening to some Christmas music. I will wait a day or two to decorate it -- to make sure I have the lights where I want them -- and then see how much more Christmas decorating I can get done without Sherry around.

All-in-all, an excellent weekend, with quite a bit of family, some fun theater, and lots of music, Christmas and otherwise.

I love Advent.

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