Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New (to me) Music

Patrick recommended 76 songs to me. I had heard only one of the songs, and only a few of the artists, before he gave them to me. I'm not quite done with the list, but some new finds:

He Said by The Hippos
Don Quixote by Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Lester Had a Coconut by String Cheese Incident
Keep on Dreaming by Ziggy Marley
Start Wearing Purple by Gogol Borello
Hey Man (Now You're Really Living) by Eels

and one of my new favorites...

Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton

I mean! A song from the point of view of the zombies? Gotta give that one a try.... and love it.

1 comment:

Lucas Will said...

Jonathan Coulton is a pretty cool dude. If I recall correctly, he had been a programmer of sorts but decided to write/produce a song every week for a year.

"Still Alive" is the song of his we love at our house. It's the song that plays after beating Portal, but we first heard it as the first free music download for the original Rock Band.