Friday, July 9, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - First

Though you readers may not have noticed it, I am in a quandry. Oh yes, perplexed, disconcerted and befuddled. At odds with myself, as it were. Conflicted.

"Why?" you ask? (You did ask, didn't you?)

My blog description contains this phrase: "I post every weekday when I'm not on vacation" yet this year I am taking many Fridays as vacation days. So, according to my own self-imposed rules (intended to give me a break from the blog) I should not post on those vacation Fridays.


Fridays are for Favorite Fotos!

If I skip vacation Fridays, there will be weeks without Favorite Fotos. What to do, what to do?

The answer will depend upon the week, I suppose. But this week, despite the fact that it means Sarah gets featured two weeks in a row, I will post a photo that also allows me to wish the young Kowalskis a

"Happy First Anniversary!"

Sarah & Troy Wedding

(a couple of days early...)

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