Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fatigue or Adrenaline

I'm writing this on Wednesday evening. Tuesday "night" I didn't get to sleep until about 3:00 AM Wednesday. And I have to be awake at 6:20 AM Thursday. So, on Thursday, as you're reading this, I might be yawning.

Or, I might be wired on adrenaline.

I get to speak to people three times on Thursday. Three 75-minute presentations.

Many people are terrified of public speaking. I am not one of those people. Oh, I am afraid of sounding stupid in front of people. But if I know my material, I get excited before I talk, and I get even more excited as I speak. Connecting with people, teaching them something, from the front of a room, is so fulfilling I am almost always willing to do it.

This is why, deep down, I know I am a "teacher." It might not be my occupation, but it is part of who I am.

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