Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Images in writing

Just helping my creativity today. Notes, jottings, thoughts around which to organize.

Implications of concepts, when used in writing.

River / Road
Air / Wind
Season / Year
Day / Night

The River is natural, and less controlled. One gets swept along by a river. A Road is a means to an end, a path we choose to take. Which is why Tolkien has Bilbo talk about a Road as if it is a River; hobbits, the commonfolk, should be as cautious of roads as they are of water.

Air is necessary for life, and by itself conjures images of freedom, lightness, and relative stillness. Wind is movement, to be fought against, tamed or ridden. Air is prettly clearly Good. Wind is fickle; musically quiet and refreshing one moment, deafeningly loud and deadly the next.

Season implies a subdivision of a larger period, with a known and inevitable end, but the Season itself has an indistinct start or finish. A Year is a journey; there may be more following, or there may not. A Year starts and ends at a given point, and it is divided by seasons or months as needed.

Day and Night are both halves of the day, but things done at Night are different than things done during the Day. Settings which are cheerful or revealing when filled with Daylight turn romantic or ominous at Night. A funeral during the True Day, with sunshine, had better have some significance, just as a wedding at Night needs the Moon to stand in for the Day's Sun, unless there is something Wrong with the wedding.

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