Monday, March 1, 2010

Family Meals - Empty Nest Version

Family meals have always been a big part of our lives. As the kids grew up, the expectation was that we would have dinner together. I imagine Sherry learned it was a good thing to do when she took parenting classes, and we also both had family meals in our childhoods, but mostly it just felt like the right thing to do.

So, now that we are empty-nesters, the dinner table is different. It's quieter. The timing varies more. And we do end up eating out a little bit more often. But we still hear the echoes of the young laughter, we remember how futile sweeping the floor seemed to be (especially around the chairs of some particular children), and we smile at having to create rules like "No singing or dancing at the table."

So, it's a distinct pleasure when we get to have larger family dinners again. We had two this weekend. Friday was at our house with the boys & their wives, along with my brother and his family. Tacos, chocolate cupcakes & Rice Krispie bars. Yum. Then Saturday, we ate out with my parents at Paradise Pete's. Another yum. And, through and around all of the meal, great conversation.

In just under two weeks, Leah will be home for break, and we'll have a week of more typical family meals, but we don't let the empty nest stop what has been such an important part of the first twenty seven years of our family life.

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