Friday, February 5, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday - Vernal Falls

Once again, a Favorite Foto Friday photo comes from Yosemite National Park.

Vernal Falls and Mist Trail - Yosemite - 050622

After I took this, the day after we climbed to the top of Halfdome, I spent several minutes just gazing at Vernal Falls, letting it sink into my memory. It's still one of the few places I can reliably return to, just by relaxing and thinking about it. I can even hear the water.

By the way, it's a relatively easy climb to the top of these falls. I did it with a baby (Leah) in one of those kangaroo-pouch-like front packs.

Of course, I was 19 years younger at the time....

1 comment:

Meli said...

So that's what it looks like with flowing water?! When my hubby and I hiked it (I think it was in October a few years ago) it was just a wet drip down the rock face. Still a spectacular site no matter the season!