Thursday, January 7, 2010

25 years

As we all know, I don't blog about work. [Here at Snippets & Wisps.]

But today I have to skate along the edge of that self-imposed rule. Why?

Today marks my 25th anniversary working at IBM.

Twenty-five years? Really? Already?

Oh sure, there are things I've done for 25 years or more. I've been married for over 27 years. I've been a father for over 25 years. Daredevil, Thor, the X-Men and I have been friends for longer than that. I've been a Viking fan for my whole life.

But working at one place for 25 years? Do people do that any more? Well, I have.

This weekend, IBM is treating me and my family to a nice dinner. I get to select a cool "Quarter-Century" gift for myself. And now it's pretty clear that, no matter how I may feel, I'm one of the "old guys."

How do we each spend the time we have? Well, most of us spend a good percentage of our lives at a job. In return, our job exchanges our time for the money we use to support our families, habits and entertainments. If we're fortunate, the jobs also provide some level of fulfillment, satisfaction, and opportunity for personal growth. Additionally, we encounter people who become our acquaintances, colleagues, and friends -- and sometimes foes, though we hope not many of those show up. Some of my best friends come from working here, and I've certainly been challenged enough to keep growing and contributing. All-in-all, this job has been a good basis for a career. And, though I would not have pictured it in 1985, there is plenty left to accomplish after 25 years.

So today, I will pause and be thankful for the opportunity to have this job for the prior twenty-five years, and hopefully for many more.

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