Monday, December 14, 2009

Wizards and Hors d'oeuvres and Vikings, Oh My!

Happy Monday, all!

What a weekend!

Friday night, we ate dinner with friends at a Rochester landmark cafe (Mac's) [we hadn't ever been there in almost 25 years living here] and then attended "The Wizard of Oz" at the Rochester Civic Theatre. Oh my how fun and funny that was! The stage production has more humor than the movie (the Wicked Witch even had some funny lines) and it's my opinion that the actor who played the cowardly lion made the character much funnier and more likeable than the movie did (of course, he had Bert Lahr's performance from which he could start.) Anyway, thanks to Sherry for setting up the evening, and to David & Ann for joining us and suggesting Mac's!

Saturday, I got some typical chores done, but also got labels ready for Christmas cards, and then Troy helped me complete the outdoor Christmas lighting (love those lighted garlands on the light posts) and put up and deck the tree while Sherry & Sarah & Lee made oodles of Christmas goodies. [Hurray for Christmas!]

Saturday evening, Eric & Tracy hosted their annual wine tasting party. It's the most wine I drink all year (perhaps amounting to a full glass over the evening -- I just don't drink much) but it was tasty, and we had yummy hors doeuvres and met some nice new people. Excellent evening.

Sunday: Vikings game! 30-10 over the Bengals -- a real, talented team. [This year.] And when we got home, Sherry & Lee & Marisa had finished making lefse, (thanks, ladies!) and Sherry had dinner for all of us. (I'm thanking Sherry a lot this weekend.) It's been great to have this time with Adam, Lucas & Dad.

And we finished the weekend off with "Up." That'll be micro-reviewed sometime soon. But suffice it to say that I had a very good weekend!

Here's hoping some of you had wonderful weekends, too.

[Now, to get rid of this heartburn. Small price to pay, I suppose, but I still want it gone!]

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