Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Will Family

May your Christmas be blessed

in a multitude of ways

by Him who is worthy of all of our praise.

The last couple of years have been busy and fun filled for the Will family. As the photo shows, our family has grown. In the family photo front left are Adam and his wife Marisa. Adam and Marisa were married June 21, 2008, and live in Rochester. Adam works at the Rochester Center for Autism and Marisa is a Spanish interpreter at the Mayo Clinic. Front right is Lucas and his wife Lee. They were married October 11, 2008 and also live in Rochester. Lucas works at IBM as a Computer Engineer and Lee at the local Hobby Lobby. Center front is Sarah with her new husband Troy Kowalski. They both graduated from Luther College May 24, 2009 and were married on July 11, 2009. Sarah works as a High School math teacher at Clarion Goldfield High School in Clarion, Iowa, and Troy is a substitute teacher in the Clarion area teaching 2-4 days a week. Back right is Leah. She graduated from Century High School on June 5, 2009. In August, Steve and Sherry drove her out to New York City and moved her into Brittany Hall, right on Broadway in the heart of Manhattan. Leah is attending Tisch School of the Arts of NYU, and taking most of her classes at the Atlantic Studio. She is studying to be an actress and loves the experience. We can’t wait until she comes home for Christmas break.

January 7, 2010, Steve celebrates 25 years working at IBM and Sherry seven years as a part time Mary Kay consultant. As empty nesters we have taken advantage of our new found freedom by doing a little traveling. New York, NY, Shepherdstown, WV, Washington D.C and Milwaukee and Madison, WI are some of the places we have visited since Leah went to college. In September, Sherry had a fun filled weekend with college friends Kym and Amy in Santa Fe and Taos, NM, and in October she spent three days with Leah in NYC. Steve missed out on the October trip to NYC, because he headed to Tokyo, Japan and Beijing, China on a two week business trip. He spent a lot of time in the air, but saw some amazing sights in the two weeks he was in Asia including the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City and the spectacular city of Hong Kong. Closer to home, Steve has season tickets to the Minnesota Vikings football games this year. It has been a lot of fun attending all the home games with Adam, Lucas and Steve’s dad, Walt. Another change for our family this year included us transferring to the church Lucas and Lee attend, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church here in Rochester. At Mt. Olive, Sherry has gotten involved with the Outreach Quilts Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Mary Circle and Monday Book Group. We are both involved in Fellowship Tables, which is a supper club, and plan to join choir in the new year.

Wishing you joy in the quiet moments of the season

and peace through each day in the New Year.

Steve and Sherry Will

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