Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Things I've Never Done (TIND)

I was just thinking, that there a lots of things I've never done. That's pretty common, right? [I don't mean "thinking." {"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it." Henry Ford} I mean having a list of things you haven't done.]

[Oh, and to give credit where it's due, I came up with the idea when Mike pointed out that I don't ever say anything that's very edgy or controversial. Which is true. Should it be? Something to consider.]

And as I was thinking about this, I realized that the "Things I've Never Done" (TIND) fall into a few categories.

These are the categories:
  • TIND - and I Probably Never Will
  • TIND - but I Expect I Will Someday
  • TIND - but I Will If I Can!
and finally
  • TIND - and I Will Not Discuss [So Don't Ask]
So, having come up with the idea, I also thought "Hey, that would be a good series of blog entries." So, over the next little while, expect to see the first three. [And others are welcome to do the same! {Especially you Facebook readers. (This seems like a very "Facebook" thing to do.)}]

[NaBloPoMo has certainly pushed me to examine and stretch my topics...]

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