Monday, November 23, 2009

Sarah and the Music Man

Two weeks ago, we went to visit Sarah & Troy in their town. The inciting purpose of the trip was to see the high school production of "The Music Man."

Little-known fact: The Music Man was the first musical in which I ever appeared.

Lesser known fact: I can pretty much sing every lyric from that show -- at least, from the movie version starring Robert Preston and Shirley Jones.

In any case, I love the show, and this was a chance to see it again, only this time! This time, it was assistant/co-directed by my very own daughter!

(The primary director is a choral director and admits he knows nothing about blocking or the rest of that "drama stuff" so that's what Sarah got to do.)

It was really fun! We had a great time. And I got to see Sarah interact (as "Mrs. K." -- which is still a little weird to me) with her students. If you know Sarah, you know she was born to be in charge. To see her working with these students -- many of them taller than she is, and that will always be the case -- and seeing the respect and admiration they have for her --- well, it just warms a father's heart.

So, Sarah, great job! I look forward to more events with you and your music man in the future.

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