Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wedding Weekend - Part III

The weekend is almost here. Once I leave work today, I have a four-day weekend to prepare for, celebrate, and bask in the glow of Sarah's wedding.

This has been an amazing year. In just over 12 months, I will have attended three weddings for my first three children.

It's hard not to get nostalgic. I have indelible images in my mind of each of these young adults from their childhood and their youth. They were sweet and innocent, and they were challenging and independent. We had some scary times, but more often we had wonderful times. I don't imagine I'd have the energy to do it again, but I would give quite a bit to relive some of those experiences as a young father.

Reading to my children. Rocking them to sleep. Playing catch. Singing along with the music on car rides. Celebrating Christmas. Splashing around in a lake. Lying on blankets in the grass, gazing up at a meteor shower. Going to see them in basketball games, plays and concerts.

I've written about it before, and I'm sure to write about it again, but here's the truth: Time keeps going, and I'm transitioning to a very different part of my life. I love the experiences that got me here, and while I'm looking forward to the experiences to come, I will always relish the memories.

So, as the wedding weekend begins, I am dedicated to capturing more happy memories, so that I can revisit them for years to come.

Congratulations, Sarah & Troy. Let's get you married and start new chapters in our lives.

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