Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hey, Steve. Why don't you like to travel?

Flight1 delayed a bit. No big deal.

Flight 2 moved to a new gate. No big deal.
Flight 2 moved to another new gate. No big deal. But frustrating.
Flight 2 moved to yet another new gate. I was in the restroom at the time. Grrr.

Load flight 2. Next to last row. Overbooked. Have to kick someone off. Late departure.
Flight 2 misses its window for landing in JFK, so we can't even take off.
Unload flight 2.
Reload flight 2. Finally take off.
Sitting next to a guy with some form of neuromuscular disorder, who keeps jerking. I can be compassionate, but it is disturbing when he keeps elbowing me while I try to sleep.

Flight 2 lands 70 minutes late. Have to take a bus from the plane to the terminal.

Luggage didn't arrive.

There are ZERO Northwest or Delta people manning the luggage area. Zero!

There are ZERO people manning the "report missing luggage" area.

There are ZERO helpful people, until someone who works for another airline suggests that, if I wait for the next flight from Minneapolis, it might have my luggage. That's 3 hours after I landed, but I have no other option.

Finally, as I'm watching the later luggage come down the conveyor belt, NWA personnel show up. "Sorry." AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!

Get to my hotel. Had called earlier to tell them I'd be late because of this.

Didn't matter. They have no non-smoking rooms now that it's past MIDNIGHT!

So my suit and I will smell like a smoky room tomorrow.

[And that's not all of it, but you get the idea!]

{Doesn't tomorrow have to be better, by some law of averages?}

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