Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thank You, Ma'am

It has happened again.

Every so often, I get a call from someone who doesn't know me. [Well, let's be honest. I suspect almost half the time I answer the phone, the person doesn't know me. Telemarketers have basically been shut down by the "Do Not Call" list, but plenty of charities still call, as do people associated with various credit cards and frequent-flier programs and such.] When such a call occurs, if they let me say anything much at all, I will get called "Mrs. Will" or "Ma'am."


I know! I'm a tenor! I have a high voice! I get it.

But if you're calling to get me to buy something or donate money or take a survey, do you really think it's wise to assume I'm a woman?

As with most people, I occasionally have the opportunity to hear my own voice as others hear it. And, as most people do, I think my own voice sounds funny. It's certainly in a higher register than, say, Lucas's. Or my brother Eric's.

But does it sound feminine? I guess so. At least if you don't know me and you're trying to meet a quota on sales calls.

[This entry needs a clever ending. Something self-deprecating perhaps. Oh, here it is....]

Well, I'm just so fed up, I think I'll grab some chocolate and watch "Dr. Phil" until the mood passes.

[Nope, that didn't work. I can't even pretend to be stereotypically female.]

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