Thursday, April 30, 2009


Reno has some very pretty mountains around it. Had I been with Sherry, I'm sure we would have gone to Lake Tahoe and seen some of the mountains on the way. As it was, I enjoyed the view on my runs, and looking out from my hotel room.

If we ever have a conference here again, I will try to make enough time for a Tahoe trip. More than one colleague said it was worth the trip.

Looking out over the area surrounding the airport, it looks like we're in a bowl, with sides created by mountains and mountain-lets (bigger than "hills") -- so even though the airplanes probably don't go any steeper than other places, it certainly looks like it!

Oh, hey -- I Love My New iPod Touch!

It's so pretty, and it holds all my music -- so far, anyway. And if I have to remove some pictures to get it to hold more, I will.

Speaking of music, I haven't been able to find my CD of "Planets" and I really miss it. I might just have to buy it from iTunes or something.

That CD is in the house somewhere. Along with my TWLD maps.

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