Friday, April 3, 2009

Hulu-ed - Watched - Laughed

Back in February I mentioned "A Dog's Breakfast" but it took me until this week to sit down and try to watch something over the internet via

I was using wireless, rather than wired, so there were some problems with lag, but I got through it. It'll be in my next Micro-reviews.

And the movie was really enjoyable!

I don't want to say too much, but it was definitely funny (which I expected) and well, it was just good.

Yes, I imagine it helps if you already like the actors from Stargate, but I think many people would like the movie. Its spartan production values really fit the movie well. David Hewlett plays (yet another) insecure, slightly-damaged character (Patrick) who is hard to endure, but somehow ultimately likable. Kate Hewlett (David's real-life sister) plays Marilyn, who is Patrick's sister and one gets the impression that this duo only has to shift slightly from reality to carry on this fictional relationship. Paul McGillion is enjoyable as Ryan, the actor star of a serialized sci-fi show, and Marilyn's fiance. Patrick doesn't like surprises ("unless I know about them in advance") and clearly has some issues with how Marilyn should be running her life, so he doesn't take the news of the engagement very well.

He begins planning Ryan's demise.

But Patrick is, well, inept.

Comedy ensues. So does suspense. So does an offbeat look at the brother-sister relationship.

I liked it.

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