Thursday, March 5, 2009


For several months, I've had the general idea what I want to say in my toast for Sarah & Troy's wedding. Last night, settling down to sleep, my mind drifted to it, and I started putting the actual words together.

It choked me up.

[Sometimes I think I'm just too darn emotional for my own good. {Almost anyone who knows me socially would find that hard to believe. (I'm well known for not smiling much. I don't frown, either, but if everyone around you is smiling, a non-smile looks too serious, I guess.)}]

Anyway... [Sorry, I got into one of my parenthetical holes, there.]

The point is, despite outward appearances, I am feeling quite affected by the transitions in our life. While I'm very excited to have Sarah move on to the new stage her life, I will also miss being her day-to-day Dad, and my toast will remind me of that.

I'd better practice it several times. That way, even if I do get a bit teary-eyed, I won't forget what I'm saying.

Four months, six days, and counting.

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