Friday, February 27, 2009

What? A politician doing what he said he would?

I may post twice today. I simply have to point people to this wonderful blog post:

BREAKING: Press Corps Incredulous That Obama Budget Reflects Campaign Promises

Read it. Then come back.

Isn't it astounding how the neo-con rhetoric has essentially become the "conventional wisdom" and is parroted back -- even by the so-called liberal media?

Does taxing the wealthy really equate to "class warfare?" No, no, and hell no. The spouting mouths on the right have simply said it so often, people can't keep themselves from thinking about that phrase.

Does taxing the wealthy really reduce jobs? No, no, and hell no.

And should it be a surprise that a President follow through on his campaign platform? No, no, and ... well, you get it.

Yes, it's the job of the press to ask questions. And, when the administration is Democratic, the questions are going to sound more Republican. But it's a shame when the questions sound like they were written by Rush Limbaugh.

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