Friday, February 13, 2009

Region A - Complete!

Yeah, so most people won't care about this but...

The D&D Dudes completed Region A of The World's Largest Dungeon last night, February 12, 2009.

I thought I had blogged about TWLD before, but I can't seem to find it -- at least not in the blog since I moved from Angelfire over here to Blogger.

The World's Largest Dungeon is a hard-bound, 840-page book which contains one massive D&D dungeon. It is written for the 3.0 (or 3.5) rules, and it contains 15 large regions, labeled "A" through "O." In combination with the DM Genie application, I have been able to run nine evenings of adventures with much less preparation time than if I had designed every part of the adventure myself and run it using paper and pencil.

We took a look at the record sheets for the characters which the Dudes brought into TWLD. Wow. We started them on February 7, 2007. Two years ago! So, it took us 2 years to do one region. That means we have 28 years left before we're done!

Or, another way to look at it: We took 9 sessions to get through Region A. If we could stick to monthly D&D Dude Nights, taking a couple off each year, we'd be able to get through another region by this time next year. Still, that's 14 more years of fun!

TWLD was a gift from Sherry for Christmas 2006. I had seen it for several months in Jimmy Jam's, but couldn't justify spending that much money on a D&D item, especially since I didn't know if we would ever play regularly enough to make use of it. Wise and sweet as she is, Sherry realized I'd play it, if I just had it. It's been a wonderful gift. We've had nine evenings of fun, plus plenty of time talking about it in between.

Oh, and Big Dog -- if you want to run a dungeon again for a while, just let me know. We can pause again. It's not like we have a schedule to keep in our progress through TWLD. (That's one of the reasons it took us two years to get to this point -- we took time off to play in another campaign for a while, and that was definitely fun, too. I get to play a character of my own. Lyric the Sprite [Not a 'fairy!' Never a 'fairy!' Fairies are silly!])

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