Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Which do you choose? [If you had to choose one?]

1) A half cup of M&Ms or one ounce of Swiss Chocolate?

2) Reading or napping?

3) Bowling or petting a cat?

4) Painting a room or cleaning the garage?

5) Tuesday or Thursday?

6) "American Idol" or "Survivor"

7) Milli Vanilli or Vanilla Ice?

8) Christmas or Summer?

9) Accordian or Bagpipe?

10) Freeing a murderer or convicting an innocent person?

11) Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse?

12) Music or Movies?

Just an idea I had after goofing around on Facebook today.

It's far more interesting (to me) than the silly "Which Looney Tune are You?" quiz.

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