Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Holly

The whole country pays a brief amount of attention every year to February 2 because of Groundhog Day (which is a much better movie than it is a "holiday.")

But if you live in or around Iowa, 2/2 is "The Day the Music Died" and it happens that today is the 50th anniversary of the plane crash that took the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper.

The Star Tribune is covering it. Maybe it's covered somewhere on, but I can't find it. CNN has an article, but decides that its take on the story will be based on a view that Music didn't Die that day.

Well, I don't remember the day (I wasn't born yet) but I've certainly heard some of the music from these artists, and I think it's better every year to be reminded of the purity and talent in early rock'n'roll, than to give an overweight rodent our superstitious attention.

And, in reality, after a long January, I think the day can handle both of these new items. We need a break from the cold.

Anyone else want to put "The Buddy Holly Story" and "La Bamba" on their Netflix queue?


[Yes, the crash actually occurred on February 3. So that's the real "Day the Music Died." But people celebrate the anniversary of the final concert. ]

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