Monday, January 12, 2009

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 26

This weekend, I watched six non-Sherry movies. And then, Sherry and Leah and I went to a movie at the theater we all wanted to see.

Yes, I like movies.

Apocalypse Now


Though not as graphic as some war films, perhaps the most intense and disturbing in its characters. Sheen’s Willard doesn’t know who he is if he doesn’t have a mission. Brando’s Kurtz is the best at what he does, but his country won’t let him. Duvall’s Kilgore is certifiable, but unflappable in battle. Amazing imagery, an epic journey, and unpredictable characters.

Shaun of the Dead


A hoot! Thanks for the recommendation, Pete. Lots of laughs, but none bigger than … wait – that would spoil it! “Ed” is wonderfully portrayed. [Stay away if you don’t like gore, but it really is fun and funny.]

3:10 to Yuma


Pretty darn good; by the end, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I like that in a story. Not quite as immersive as “Open Range” and not as many likeable characters as “Silverado.” But worth a viewing.



Mike is right – Maggie Gyllenhaal is great in this! I believed her from the beginning. I’m sure glad she’s not my daughter. Hard to recommend (and hard to rate) due to its subject matter, but the performances – brilliant. Spader, once seen in this, had to become Alan Shore. Not the same as his Mr. Grey, but a less twisted take on a flawed but keen character.

Get Shorty


Travolta can play such charismatic characters. Silly movie, Hollywood insiders must have loved making it. Still some nagging questions: what was the $10,000 for? How long would those agents really wait? Are producers really that dumb? Still, glad I saw it.



Disturbing. As expected. Well done. As expected. I don’t want to see it twice. As expected. I’m going to let my daughter live in that city? I hope reality isn’t as bleak as this.

Seven Pounds


It’s better if you know nothing of the plot when you see this movie. I’ll say that Will Smith is good again in a dramatic role, and, yet again, Rosario Dawson is the best actor we see too infrequently. She moved this into the “70s” for my ratings.

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