Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Drizzle for the Sally

"Karnblarn it, Sigil," Danny spat, "you've mulloxed up that twistie."

"Yeah, Sig, and with me starving, too." Kyra always piled on, the karning sally that she is.

"Don't blast me a new face," I replied. I'm always quick with the comeback, as you know. So I added "Stopper the sluice-hole." Under my breath-like.

Kyra didn't get it. Danny did. Swung at me with the swatstick he always had on him. I knew he would, so my field was there, and sparks just flew.

Kyra always laughs when sparks fly. She is such a sally. I wished we'd never batched her, but Danny wouldn't have a duo anymore, and I didn't feel like casting about. Too much wasted swathing and reeling.

I notched the machy with my thumb -- it didn't have a retpay hole -- and got Danny his twistie. Just to avoid the skreeling, I notched again for a limey drizzle and gave it to Kyra.

She smiled and started slurping.

What a karning sally.

Why did I ever have kids?

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